Yesterday it was supposed to be quiet. I was supposed to pack lunches and take 3 noisy boys to school. I was supposed to be alone for the the first time in two weeks. Yesterday, school was supposed to start. I was supposed to take down Christmas while sipping hot chocolate. I was supposed to eat ice-cream out of the container without anyone knowing. Yesterday I was not supposed to break up any fights over who was giving who the stink eye. I was supposed to run errands without anyone asking me where I was going or when will I be back. Yesterday I was supposed to have the computer to myself without waiting for someone to finish a game. The house was supposed to get cleaned and stay that way. I was supposed to be able to sit down and watch "Mommy" shows without disturbance.

Yesterday it was not supposed to snow. My kids were not supposed to be home putting snowballs in the freezer. School was not supposed to be cancelled. Moms were supposed to handle their "baby desert rat" selves and not get skittish over one inch of snow.
But, it is now today and my yesterday can begin.
Enjoy your yesterday! I hope it lives up to your fantasy!
Welcome to today, er, yesterday...whatever. Glad you finally got your peace & quiet!
Nothing makes staying at home with two kids seem easier than staying at home with five for two weeks. I'm happy to have my routine back. Enjoy your solitude!
I think that's called Murphy's Law!
Have a great day today and enjoy that ice cream!! It always taste better out of the container!
That is NOT enough snow to cancel! Nice pool, by the way...
It's funny because I know they aren't closing the schools because of hazardous weather...but nore so the kids can enjoy it before it melts! But either way...
I'm with you! Darn that mother nature!!! Messed with my yesterday also!
AMEN, sista... Except I can't find motivation to do any of that. I just want to enjoy the quiet, since my other one is sleeping. Yay. Glad yesterday finally came.
School was cancelled for that much snow?! Around here we get that much snow plus 6 extra feet before they cancel!
Linda, it's Rebbel, your once-a-month lindt chocolate provider! I was chilly this morning after getting my four off to school, so, knowing that exercise is not always the best way to warm up, I crawled under a blankie and fired up my iphone! Yep, to read your blog - all of it! I always have had a nagging sense that you and I may share DNA, but now I feel it's confirmed! I, too, love my iphone, with my husband looking disapprovingly on as the dishes pile in the sink! (He has hands, right?) I, too, find much joy and humor in my children whom I love/loathe! Must go now and put the breakfast dishes away before Devan comes home and gives me that look, like, 'maybe, she'll learn, I just need more patience...'! Keep Smiling:)
ps. Ask me Sunday about my surefire way to quickly curb the habit of your children forgetting things and asking you to bring the item to school! My children are now afraid to ask for anything! My parenting mantra #1: Make sure your children have equal parts of respect and fear for their parents!
Wow. Sorry about that. Never thought it would snow in Vegas.
It seems to snow in Vegas about once a year. Hell really does freeze over.
THAT snow closed your schools?????
OK I am laughing so hard right now.
I'm never going to get over that. Especially since we'll be having snow until May sometime.
I wanna tell your school district to put their big girl panties on!
Glad that today you were able to get all of the awesome things done you wanted to get done.
Bring on yesterday!
lol I am with Kristina.. Hell does freeze over!
so I want a shot of the snowballs in the freezer.. Wait. better yet, go make snow cones outta them! Yummy! lol
Hope you enjoyed your day!
My yesterday is like seven years away.
Curses! Your plan sounded pretty darned blissful.
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