Now I was not in love with the idea of John McCain, he is not conservative enough for me. So he brought Sarah in, whom people either loved or hated. I love her conservatives values and what she has been able to accomplish in Alaska, but I also think a mom with 5 kids and all their diverse needs should spend a little more time at home. I would have been much more happy with Mitt Romney and he probably could have beat "that one." The Republicans blew it because they could not find their audience. Still half the country went with them, but they could have had more. If there had been any real journalism done and reported on the new president he never would have made it. The mass media elected him a long time ago. It was much more important worrying about Sarah Palin's wardrobe and Joe the plumber's tax return than to ask to see B.O.'s proof of US citizenship or what he actually means by "citizen militia."
He won for all the wrong reasons. He won because he is black, because he was not a republican, because it was cool to vote for him, because his supporters don't really know his policies. I think they are all going to be in for a surprise. And if Oprah doesn't shut up I am taking her off my TIVO.
come on, tell us how you really feel!:) Gotta love the US and freedom of speech
Linda for President!...well, after the kids are grown.
Totally agree! Counldn't have said it any better! Socialism gives me the shivers. I don't want the government to take care of me. I want to take care of myself.
ok , calm down there Rush. Sorry that your John McBush and his side kick "Bible Spice" did get it. Get over it !!
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