Wednesday, May 5, 2010

All I want for Mother's Day...

Well, that and world peace.  Oh, and some chocolate.  That's it.   Just those 3 things.



Queenie Jeannie said...

LOL! Love it!!

Karen Mortensen said...

Where can I get one of these?

He Who Laughs Last said...

Love it! Let me know if you get one and where I can pick one up!

Anonymous said...

I don't think that's asking too much.

Is there one for stopping fighting between children? I HAVE to have a button on a remote for that. Oh and another one to magically make the house clean.

Lisa said...

Take off the world peace and put in "Second Coming" and that's my list. Wait, then add less chins and more lips. There, that's my list.

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

I want one too!

Stephanie & Brad Bishop said...

It cost me $36 to replace a broken remote! If I would of searched a little more, I might of found this one!!!

Happy Mother's Day!
PS REMOTE still does not work---I WANT a new TV for Mother's Day!

Vanessa said...

ROFL! I have never seen this before, love it!!

Lourie said...

I want one of those! Except the thermo needs to be pointed down for me. Maybe up and down since I fluctuate between the two.

Saimi said...

Hahaha, Linda you crack me up! If I didn't already get my Mother's Day gift early, I would have more than enjoyed the remote!

Hop over to and see what I got!

Karen Mortensen said...

I know I have already commented but I have to again. Where do you get all of these things from? This is too funny. You and I have to get together some time. You are so funny. Too bad you were a little younger than me and we really didn't know each other before. I just knew Nick. Not to creep you out or anything but did you know he kissed me once?

Leanne said...

Absolutely Perfect! I'll have to forward this to the hubby!!

AB said...

1 of the 3 won't be too bad, right?

I just want my car know, get the kids to clean all the crap they left behind.

Cheeseboy said...

Your husband lets you hold the remote?! What kind of messed up world are you in?

Unknown said...

Until I saw this I just wanted an Iphone...but now I realize my expectations were way too low. I demand my own "special" remote control! :)

Momza said...

Yes. Yes. Yes.

MrsDixon said...

This is great!! Brilliant I tell yoU!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

I was going to say I'd love one for my mom then realized that might be taken the wrong way... :D
Here here on the chocolate!!

I am LoW said...

I've given up on the whirled peas. But what I want (really really want) is NO tattling!


Teachinfourth said...

I'm still waiting for the other model to come out…

Rebecca D said...

I gotta get one of those... like now... Even if it's just like one of those phoney "easy" buttons from staples... It would be nice to just be able to press the buttons!

Robin said...

That is perfect...may I borrow and link to you...?so so funny..!

Unknown said...

This would have been the perfect mother's day gift...or a hott bath by myself without one interuption!


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