I was supposed to be a contributor under "humor" but the piece I just wrote got put under "technology". Because when you think of me (and Kip), you think of technology (if you have NOT seen the movie Napolean Dynamite then you do not get that reference in the least). So today will you please go read "Textually Active" over HERE and leave a comment so they (the lovely publishing people) will think I am popular. And maybe my next piece will actually be humorous enough to be put under THAT category.
Oh good. I was afraid you were dating someone named Lafawnduh.
Okay, I totally just left a comment on the site, but I made it sound like I had no idea who you were...kind of a blah comment, in fact, so they wouldn't think we were BBFF's. I'm sure nobody has ever done that before. :) CONGRATS, MAN! That's awesome!
nap d. is one of the best movies ever made. congratulations on your being published!!
May I bask in your awesomeness? I am off to read your post. Congrats to you!
Thats AWESOME! Congrats...and remember...dont forget your chapstick.
In the imortal words of our hero Napoleon....."Luckyyyyy." Congrats on your new "job", that's awesome!
I found you throug Sarah at No, Don't and Stop in her blog awards. So glad I did. I love a funny, snarky Mormon Mom. AND, you clearly have a love of Napoleon like me.
That is so awesome! CONGRATULATIONS I hope you feel very accomplished. That is a big thing. YOU GO GIRL!
soooooooooooo cool! I am going there now!
We are HUGE fans of Napoleon and ALL dressed up as characters in the movie for Halloween
Great job! I'm going to go check it out right now!
The title alone sounds thrilling! Haha! Congrats!
How cool! Look at you, getting all popular and stuff... :)
Yea! Go you! Do you hear me rooting for you?
Oh wait, that's just my kids fighting, hang on a sec....
OMG! You are so my favorite person for knowing this technology thing about kipp! I love at the very end of the movie, when he sings a song called 'I love technology' to his new wife!! Hahaha! I sing it all the time! Is that normal?
Well, I knew you would make the big time someday. Just don't forget all us little people you stepped on to get there along the way.
I am on my way over...
Good for you!
That's fantastic!
Awesome! Just found your blog and we are your newest follower! Follow us at:
Hope you have a great rest of your week!
Dear Linda,
I haven't been over to your blog in a while. I have missed it. I need a good laugh daily, like the ones you provide.
I'm headed over to check out your post. Congrats on becoming a contributor!
p.s. Kip is hot.
I read your post on "Textually Active". SO SO FUNNY! I don't see why it wasn't under HUMOR, Haha!
congratz on being a contributor sister!
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