Friday, March 19, 2010

Sandy Needs to Blog

It is AWARD DAY!  I was honored enough to receive an award this week.  It is from my bloggy friend Leanne at My Home and My Hips Are Both Double Wide.  Her humor and wit is also Double Wide! She is a breath of fresh air when you are having a hard day.  She makes me laugh, smile and think and I am usually not such a multi-tasker. We both started blogging very recently and she was one of my first virtual friends.  We with the warped brains have got to stick together. 

I would like to accept this award in honor of Sandra Bullock who I think could use virtual sunshine today. She is the Best Actress with the worse husband.  But Sandy, dear Sandy,  there were a few surgically enhanced red flags in the form of Jesse’s first two wives, who happen to be porn stars.  So where you show awesome judgment in your movie choices, your husband picking skills, not so much. Just saying.  But I am not saying that I still would not want Sandra to play me in my life story.  Though I have no large black children, I think she could do me justice.    

The dress I am wearing today for my award ceremony is very similar to Sandra’s Oscar dress, except it looks a little more like pajamas. I have no make-up on and my hair is blonde, not brunette, and in a pony.  Other than that our resemblance is uncanny.  

This award did not come with any rules (whew) so I am going to do what I want with it.  And I have decided to keep it all to myself.  I deserve it.  

Okay just kidding  (not really, but I think I am supposed to say that).  I really would like to pass this award on to some bloggy friends that I have grown to adore.  I think we could all sit down together and immediately be BBF’s  (best blog friends).  Now please don't feel bad if I left you out.  There is only so much of me to go around.

So with out further adieu...

Evelyn Perkins at the The Perks of Life.  Great taste in music, cute kids and we both find Utah mom's to be an interesting species.  

Krista at Shades of Blonde.   We have a lot in common besides the chemically enhanced blonde hair. We both have teenagers.  Enough said.  

Jackie at House of Sarager.  She is the adorable young mom I used to be until I got old and cranky.  Jackie, sorry but I am your future. 

Rosie at Reading Rosie.  She is a mom and a librarian.  And everyone knows I love me a librarian.  Especially one as off kilter as myself.  You all need to get to her blog and tell her what day it is.  

Charlotte at Memories for Later.  She has six kids like me and she has that touch of insanity that I like in a mom and a blogger.

Cyndi at 6 Ring Circus.  She has four boys.  Yea, I can relate to that. 

Please take time to meet my friends.  But don't get too comfy.  Because as my daughter sang when she was three, 

The more we get together, together, together,
The more we get together the happier we'll be.
'Cause your friends are my friends and my friends are my friends...



Kristina P. said...

Poor Sandy. I love her. And I like him. I thought they were cool!

Vanessa said...

I am now fully educated on The Oscar Curse. That settles it. I must never become an actress.

Congrats on your honors! :-)

Kate said...

LOL Great post! I look forward to checking out your friends a little later today...right now, a pile of peanut butter on the living room floor beckons. Or maybe I'll just let the dogs in...hmmm...

Anonymous said...

awesome post!

off to check out your friends...

Lisa said...

I guess that's what you get for marrying a bad boy? I feel bad for her...She is gorgeous, only an idiot would cheat on her.

Saimi said...

Sandra is my hero and Jesse is a zero. Congratulations on your award, well deserved you have a great blog! I'll be checking in on your friends so "We can all be together, together......"

Lourie said...

You definitely bring sunshine to your blog. Thanks for that. And congratulations!

Reading Rosie said...

Thank you, thank you, thank have confirmed my off-kilter status...I'm SOMEBODY! If I caused you to smile or laugh, I've accomplished my task :)

Leanne said...

So LOVE your post!!! (At first glance . . . I thought, "OMG - she is writing about ME. But. . . I don't know her yet!", because I am a "Leanne"!!!!! Anyway - I love your homage to Sandra B! I feel for her - definitely needs/deserves some sunshine! And I look forward to checking out your favorite blogs! (Love your humor, too!)

Millennium Housewife said...

You're right, you do win. In the kid race anway. The finger pulling Husband? Not so much...
Thankyou so much for following my blog, it really made my evening to see you up there. Not sure how you follow anything with six kids but stil...
Thankyou! MH

Tio Rob said...

I like what Sandra has done to Jessie's latest facial tatoo...very interesting...kind of like an extra on the Mummy.

Anonymous said...

Found you off MMB. You are funny. I like it!

* said...

Congrats on your award! I'll have to check these other blogs out.

Thanks for visiting my blog. It's a small world after all, even in LV!

Charlotte said...

Thanks for the award! Are there mothers with 6+ kids out there without a touch of insanity? I always thought it was a (necessary) requirement.

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

See how popular you are getting? Remember us little blogs when you get that call from Hollywood.

Kelly said...

Hey, thanks for visiting my blog. It is always good to make new blogging friends. I like yours too. You are a clever gal.

Unknown said...

I am your future.

I have been laughing at that all weekend.

The day I put two bras on (which I told you is the day I stop nursing, I am sure) will be the day I will have "made it"

I will have turned into you!

You rock my socks.

foxy said...

I know, I'm so sad for Sandy too. I just watched The Blind Side this past weekend and thought several times, oh yeah, this is when Jesse was doing that HO behind her back. UGH!

Congrats on the award! Off to go check out some of your recommendations...

Meredith said...

poor sandy b. i was confused when she picked him though. but i hoped for them! i need a life.

Krista said...

You are so sweet to give me an award! And if you hadn't given it to me I would have given it to you because I just LOVE your bloggin' guts! My butt loves you! (Or how did that go?)


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