Monday, March 15, 2010

A Two Bra Day

I happened onto something quite by accident.  It was about a year ago but it has changed my life.  Now I am ever so hesitant to share my secret but in the interest of sisterhood I will.  (if you in fact are not a sister but a "brother" you may pass this onto your wife).  

I don't remember much about the day in general.  But I do know it was a Friday.  I am sure I got dressed sluggishly as I usually do and got the kids to school.  This was a special Friday because it was Book Club day.  I love book club.  It was just my sister (in-laws) and myself.   We discussed the book which I had not finished reading yet.  We then chatted about a million other things, as we usually do, late into the night.  

I came home to a quiet, dark house.  I decided to finish reading my book in my  walk-in closet so I would not disturb anyone.  I finished the last page around 2 am and proceeded to undress for bed.  After I removed my shirt and bra, I was very surprised to find I still had on another bra !  I laughed out loud as I realized I had been wearing two bras, one right over the top of the other, all day long.  In my robotic state that morning I had put two on without even noticing.  

I called my sister the next morning because I knew she would get a good laugh out of it.  And she did.  My two sisters had been wondering aloud to each other if I had gotten "work done" because I was looking extra bodacious.  Or perhaps I was stuffing my bra with those chicken cutlets in a box.  No, I would not do either of those things (okay maybe I would)  But it did get me thinking. 

I have never shied away from any of the padded, or shape creating bras.  Especially after nursing six kids.  I will take any help I can get.  But I did not even notice anything different on the two bra day.  It was so comfortable!  I was onto something.  No need for plastic surgery or stuffing chicken cutlets in my bra.  Just wear two bras!  Nobody but you, God and your partner will know.  

So now the women in my family refer to it as a "two-bra day".  The day you are feeling a little frumpy, a little less than perky,  or you really need to get good service at the auto repair shop, go ahead and slip on that 2nd bra.  You don't need to look like our dear friend Dolly, but it does not hurt to accentuate our positives.  



Heather @ Raising Memories Blog said...

too funny! I may just need to give this one a whirl ;)

Dalia (Generation X Mom) said...

You may be on to something there! Victoria's Secret may steel your idea! That is too funny, I have left the house in slippers before but never two bras!

Lourie said...

HAHAHAHAHA! I am so going to try this! Hahhahaha. See if hubby raises an eyebrow.

Jules AF said...

haha awesome! I wear two bras to the gym, but that's about it.

Living the Scream said...

hmm to get the Dolly look it would probably take 5 or 6 Bra's... very funny post. thanks for commenting on my blog by the way!!

Tio Rob said...

Wahwahwahwah, Waaaaaaah! (the Price is Right sound for losing contestants)

Saimi said...

That is hilarious!!! When things get crazy at work today, I'll be thinking of your post!! Thanks for the laugh!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Hahaha! Awesome. After my third baby I lost so much weight that I literally had nothing left on top but saggy skin. Whenever I had to put on a sports bra to go work out, I always added an extra padded bra underneath it so I wouldn't look so disgustingly flat.
Pppsssttt.. our little secret.

Reading Rosie said...

Too Funny!!!!! I've worn two pair of panties before, two pair of socks, two shirts, etc. but NEVER two bras. I hate putting the first one on :)

Jenny P. said...

THIS is an excellent idea. :) When I was on swimteam in high school we would swim in two, sometimes three suits cause it helped create more drag. The downside is that it had the opposite effect of perhaps what wearing two bras does... even the bustiest of girls looked flat chested with three ultra tight racing suits on!

Glad you stopped by my blog, mostly cause it led me to yours. :)

Unknown said...

THANKS for the tip! I have a feeling that once I quit nursing I'll be dragging on the ground!

Meredith said...

i did that in high school all the time to strap them down. much more comfortable. love the pic of dolly. holy moly!

Kate said...

The girls can use all the help they can get ;D Thanks for the tip hehehe

Evelyn said...

I forgot I used to do that in college! Thanks for the reminder!! How could I forget that little trick?! shame shame Evelyn

Steve Christensen said...

Man! i wish i WOULD HAVE KNOW ABOUT THIS TODAY...definitely a two bra day...although admittedly, the larger girls in cheerleading always wore two sports bras. I knew some who wore joke!

Mary said...

SHUT UP. I am wearing two bras as we speak. Sometimes the girls just need a little extra OOOMPH.


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