Thursday, July 8, 2010

Move Over Dr. Ruth

I have solidified my self-proclaimed status as a sex education expert.  I know that status may be news to some of you but in my house I am well known for giving advice and words of wisdom on this topic freely and without solicitation.  My teenagers love me for that...Well, they will someday I am sure.

If you want the secrets to my success  you can find them today at Blissfully Domestic.  I share my pearls on   how to talk to your kids about sex.  Please go read, comment and bask in my Dr. Ruth-like attitude.



Karen Mortensen said...

Loved that article. So now it is 6 times right?

TisforTonya said...

HA! I'm going over, but just so that I can bookmark the article for ManOfTheHouse... I let him know years ago that all sex talk was his job.

(oh, if only you knew M.O.T.H. - you'd be cracking up... I think we were married over a year before he could SAY the word sex)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Well don't you just ROCK!
Hopefully the info you give is accurate. Cuz if you are giving accurate info then toilet seats will be a lot less busy!

Liz Mays said...

Tough subject; great job!

Unknown said...

I love this, not to be weird, but I love talking about sex, it just takes the edge off anything.... my kids tell me to stop, but oh well...

Lourie said...

My daughter still gets uncomfortable talking about "IT" as she calls it, but as she has gotten older, I notice that our talks are more frank and detailed. She needs to be armed not only with good information, but also knowing how to handle tough situations.


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