Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happiness Project: Not Just Cactus

For those of you who thought there was just cactus in the desert...

My entryway.

Want to see what makes others happy today?  Drop by
Leigh vs Laundry to view all the links to the Happiness Project!



Lisa said...

Much prettier entry way than a cactus or a Joshua Tree. It is lovely.

monica said...

what a lovely thing to come home to. what kind of flowers are they?

See Mom Smile said...

Lived here 8 years and I have no idea what they are. Sad huh?

Lourie said...

My in-laws are under the delusion that CA is brown, dusty and nothing but buildings. Really CA is rich with all kinds of beauty. So I can believe that the desert has more than just cactus. Your entry way is beautiful.

Karen Mortensen said...

Those are so pretty. Who would have guessed that Vegas had some beauty.

Cheeseboy said...

That entryway is very welcoming. Just looking at it makes me want to run back and forward underneath it.


I would love to just camp out under this entryway!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Oh my gosh! SO pretty!! Can I move in?

Momza said...

That really is lovely.
Lucky you!

Saimi said...


CaneWife said...

What is that??? It's beautiful!

I wonder if I could grow something like that here.

Charlotte said...

That is beautiful. My sinuses only slightly retaliated just for looking at the picture.

leigh hewett said...

That is so lovely!

Queenie Jeannie said...


That would seriously make me happy too!

foxy said...

WOW - this is just GORGEOUS!! Love it!


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